Crafting an Authentic Social Media Presence for Your Small Business
Joe Corleto Joe Corleto

Crafting an Authentic Social Media Presence for Your Small Business

In today’s digital age, a strong social media presence is crucial for a small business to connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive growth. However, establishing an authentic presence requires a unique approach tailored to your business’s values, goals, and target market. While it’s tempting to replicate successful marketing strategies employed by other businesses, blindly following their […]

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Balancing Act: Setting Goals and Making Time for Marketing in Your Small Business
Joe Corleto Joe Corleto

Balancing Act: Setting Goals and Making Time for Marketing in Your Small Business

Running a small business is an exhilarating journey filled with challenges and opportunities. As a business owner, your time and energy are valuable resources, and finding the right balance between managing day-to-day operations and marketing your business can be a challenging task. However, with strategic goal setting and effective time management, you can successfully navigate this balancing act. In this […]

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Why Outsourcing your Marketing Helps you Work on Your Business, Not in it
Eileen Scafidi Eileen Scafidi

Why Outsourcing your Marketing Helps you Work on Your Business, Not in it

When was last time you sat down and scrutinized your company’s branding? Posted to its Facebook page? Talked to a reporter about projects you’re excited about? If you’re like a lot of small business owners, these things may tend to fall to the bottom of your to-do list week after week. And we get it; you’re really busy! And while […]

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Is Hope Your Marketing Strategy?
Eileen Scafidi Eileen Scafidi

Is Hope Your Marketing Strategy?

By Eileen I recently met a newer business owner who proudly introduced me to the business she has been running for roughly two years. I loved hearing her story about the business she created. (I will not mention the product or industry to protect her identity). At first look her company had all the markings of a well-run and […]

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The Secret Tip to Growing Your Nonprofit’s Instagram
Eileen Scafidi Eileen Scafidi

The Secret Tip to Growing Your Nonprofit’s Instagram

If you’ve read anything about growing your Instagram following, you already know all of the basic tricks: like a lot of photos, post regularly, post beautiful photos, add a location to your images, engage with people. Those are great tips, and by all means do them all. They’re important. But if you have those things covered, and you’re a nonprofit ready […]

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